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Guendelbach in June 2020
Remarks to the following slide-show, which was produced by Edgar Aisenbrey in June, 2020.
"The debris at the end of Reutwiesenstrasse comes from Lorenzenstrasse. Today's smithy was an Aisenbrey house, the family home of the late Alfred A. from Schützingen. It burned down in 1945 and the old Heckh had bought it, in exchange for a building site in Reutwiesenstrasse, where Thomas A. lives today. Now the partition between the former barns has been removed and a large hall is being created. Maybe there will be a blacksmith festival again, at least for the inauguration. The former smithy was a small room below the Heckh house. When the workers came from the quarry at noon and in the evening, the blacksmith had to sharpen the tools again. The last manager of the quarry was Johannes A., the grandfather of Andreas A. and his siblings. My great-grandfather, who was also called Johannes, lived around the same time. He emigrated to Lauffen am Neckar and was one of the first workers in the newly founded cement plant. The cement industry ultimately led to the quarry being closed."
Here is the recent slideshow that Edgar created on June 13, 2020.
Ambassador of German Wine
Carolin Klöckner (born September 9, 1995) from Vaihingen-Gündelbach in the wine-growing
region of Württemberg in Baden-Württemberg is German Wine Queen 2018/2019. She was
elected on September 28, 2018 in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse as the successor of
Katharina Staab to the 70th German Wine Queen. She is the fourth wine queen from the
Württemberg wine region. In 2016/2017 Mara Walz from Vaihingen-Ensingen had already
become German wine princess. As wine princesses for the twelve-month term 2018/2019
were elected Inga Storck (*21 July 1994, Einselthum, Palatinate) and Klara Zehnder (born
20 February 1996, Randersacker, Franconia).
Klöckner was in the United States until the age of seven and grew up in a childhood home
where farming was a hobby and a sideline job. So she had early contact with field crops
and farm animals. She is a student of agricultural sciences at the University of Hohenheim.
By a former Württemberg Wine Queen her interest in this office had been awakened.
The video below characterizes the way of life of Carolin Klöckner. Carolin comments the
video in German.
- I am a student of agricultural sciences in my 6th semester at the Hohenheim university, specializing in
wine -growing. The university was founded by King Wilhelm I. and today is exactly 200 years old. The tag
on the celebration vintage 2018 shows my portrait
- in my spare time I like to assist in the Nonnenmacher winery and to learn more about wine production
and marketing through discussions with Armin Nonnenmacher
- The Maulbronn Monastery is a very important place in many aspects: Gündelbach was owned by the
monastery through several centuries and the monks influenced the cultivation of wine in this region to
a great deal
- my familiy and me are farmers in a sideline job. We've got two 30 year old mares, two minipigs and my
crazy dog Thekla
- steep slope vineyards are very characteristic in Württemberg and I like to be a guide to visitors in this area
- in my first years I lived in the United States and returned with my family to Germany at age 7
- in our patchwork family there always is much activity and we like to celebrate with people from different
nationalities with good food, good wine, and good conversations
- wine for me should be a cuvee of tradition, tranquillity, and sociability
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- Written by Heinz Aisenbrey
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 10836
Last updated: 2017-12-25
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